Thursday, October 23, 2014

Does your online persona reflect on how you are in real life?

Are you the same person in social media? 
    An online persona is your personality that one could see through social media. The things that you post can reflect on the type of person you are. For example, if you post funny posts then one can assumed that you are a funny person. But social media does not really tell a person how one really is. A person can be a different person in social media and a different person in outside of social networks. Lets take the same example from before, you post funny post and post pictures of you being very outgoing but in reality most of your time is being spent in the house, being bored, and working. This can be proven by the article, Overblown Facebook personas can leave friends deflated, this article shows a good example of a person who is different from their online persona. Erika Murray was charged with fetal death for having dead infants in her house. This event occurred two days ago.  In Facebook, she recently posted a picture with her kids having a good time. She has two different personas, the social media persona and the reality persona. One that views her Facebook, will assume that she is good person and a good parent but after what she did, she is not consider to be what she seems to be in social media. 

 Am I the same person from social media and the real world?
In Facebook, I post funny posts, pictures of my drawing and my family. If I was a different person and I was looking at Jesus (ME) profile, I will observed and predict that Jesus is a funny person that enjoys being with his family members and a person that enjoys to draw. This is true, since I do like to draw,  I am funny according to my friends, and i also like to spent time with my family members. My family members like cousins are like my best friends because I express my self too much to them and spent more time with them than I do with my friends from school. Overall, my online persona is the same persona from, when I'm out of the social networks.

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