1. This is a primary source because CDC is an organization that are in the field, helping to prevent diseases, and creating their own articles that aware or give information about a disease based on their research.
2. This article is a secondary source because the author Tara Haelle used a source and utilized the examples from the source to help emphasize her article.
3. These videos are a good source because the videos are interviews that NBC had with Edward Snowden in first person. Where Snowden answers questions about that information he leaked to the society and other actions he made.
4. This article is a bad source on Obama because the author is making opinion about Obama being the one of the best presidents.
5. At my free time I like to watch The Walking Dead. The official website of the walking dead, is a good source about the walking dead because the website provides information, news, and the episodes of the walking dead. A bad source is when the author is just providing the readers with his opinions that are based on what he sees from his views.
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