Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Michael Browns Pictures Influence

Before I get started, I want to say R.I.P. Michael Brown. I do not know much about this case or situation. I do remember last year, the impact it made in social networks, the news, communities that were informed, and my school. I remember,  I will be on Facebook and I saw a lot of posts about how Michael Brown being shot was injustice.  I saw videos, posts, and pictures about this case.  The pictures I saw, supported the fact that this act was injustice. Social media acted as a way to influence the audience that the act was injustice. To me, it acted like a form of propaganda that influenced the audience on the side that they are on. Most of these pictures were pictures that were shared by many people from pictures that were taken by news paper companies and people that were at the scene. Also people who were also in a event where people protest for justice for Michael Brown.  Overall, the photos act as way to influence that Michael Brown being shot was injustice in the social medias.

My Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Why I draw?

   My favorite activity is drawing. Drawing is a way for me to express my feelings into a paper and it allows me to relief stress. In most of my drawings, I am able to visualize a picture in my head. In other words, most of my drawings represent a memorable moment. A moment where it has became important to me. Not all of my drawings have a memorable moment but can also have a meaning. Their are symbols or the drawing itself is a symbol. This can symbolize a moment or a feeling that I was expressing to the paper. Some of the things that I have drawn are hearts, cars, cartoon characters, and other things that come to my mind.                                                                                                                              
    I draw when I have time to and when I do, I spent like two hours drawing. I know many friends and I follow people on social networks that know how to draw better than me. Then their are those who are novice and sometimes they don't have the right materials. I know for sure that, one has to have the right materials to draw and also the time to draw. If a person does not know what draw then the person has to be motivated to draw.

   I may not be good as others but I get inspired by my brother and other art work. My older brother inspired me because he will draw for hours and I will get amazed on how it looks. That inspired me and motivated me to draw. Also, work from artist from the Renaissance era inspired me to draw because their work is amazing to me. Work from Leonardo Da Vinci, inspired because his drawings are beyond from what I have seen.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What goes on my brain?

Most of my brain focuses on school. I focus on this more than anything else because school is important to me. I focus to much to pass all my classes and do all the homework that is given to me. Also because I tend to do all my homework  at the last minute. So I worry to much whether I will have time to finish all the homework. At the end I still finish all my homework.